The value xx is not found in the map.

numara serisi yapmak istediğinizde NumberSeqModule baseenum’a ekleme yaptığınızda “The value xx is not found in the map.” hatası alırsanız aşağıdaki metoda aşağıdaki satırı ekleyin.

///     Loads the number sequence grid with LabAx sequence numbers that need to be defined.
/// </summary>

void numberSeqPreInit()
    runExecuteDirect   = false;
    numberSequenceModules = [NumberSeqModule::LabAx];
    numberSeqApplicationModule = new NumberSeqModuleLabAx();       

    // Define the right scope of the Number Sequence
    scope = NumberSeqScopeFactory::createDataAreaScope();
    appl.numberSeqGlobal().numberSeqModulesMap().insert(NumberSeqModule::LabAx, numberSeqApplicationModule);//DRT MK
    NumberSeqApplicationModule::createReferencesMulti(numberSequenceModules, scope);

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